Friday, 25 October 2013

A trip to Wales and Pen-y-fan

I had been a bit quiet on the radio front, and my one attempt at a SOTA activation in September didn't quite go to plan. I had organised a camping trip for a few of us up to Ullapool and the idea was to grab Stac Pollaidh while we were up there. I had guessed that I wouldn't be able to rely on VHF so had got everything together for another HF attempt. Everything was looking good, batteries were charged and we timed the walk perfectly between all the heavy showers. Got to the top for, quite frankly, stunning views but quickly realised that I had forgotten the top to the portable HF antenna. Doh! Managed to get 3 VHF contacts though, and two were S2S, so happy with that.

So for October we were heading to Dumfries and Wales over a few days for holiday. For the Dumfries leg I had toyed with the idea of doing Woodhead Hill for the 1 point but a combination of beer and some very big downpours got in the way of that. On to Wales and it looked like the Wednesday would be the perfect day for a trip up Pen-y-fan. 

Dropped off the XYL in Brecon and I headed south until I got to the car park. Even for a mid-week in October it was maybe a quarter full and there was even a greasy spoon van that was still open for snacks. The path starts at the south side of the car park and you can't miss it. It is well made and rather wide, so I guess on weekends it must be absolutely rammed. 

The walk itself was straightforward, and was just a stroll up a constant incline on the well made path. It is only at the top that you get the views. You get a good view over the Brecon Beacons as well as the town itself. All green rolling hills off into the distance. I never really had the top to myself as there was a constant drip of people coming up.
But on to the radio! Fired up the VX-6 and scanned about on 2m. I could just about make out a far off repeater but there was no-one else on the bands. Hopefully a mid-week in Wales wasn't going to be too much to ask. Put out the CQ and quickly got my first contact, 2W0RHI, from Brecon and we had a chat about radio in the area. Soon got a break station and it was a S2S from G/WB-013, GW6OVD who mentioned there might be another S2S in about 20 minutes. Finished off with another contact from Brecon, MW6HEA, and a 31 contact from Hereford, M0JLA, to get my 4. Waited around a bit to see if the other S2S was about but didn't hear anything. 

Good to get into Wales and was happy getting a Wales to England S2S. Now just need to get over to NI next year to get a hill over there! Next bit for this year though is "idiot points" season. Looking forward to it :)

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